We honor, respect, commemorate, and pray for all
Dead Orthodox Christian warriors and veterans.
Memory Eternal.

Christ is risen from the dead, 
trampling down death by death,
and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!

Orthodox Christianity is the oldest, original, 
and true Church of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth. 
For 2000 years She has not changed and has kept the Apostolic Faith. 
She is the Bride and Body of Christ, in Whom the Holy Spirit dwells.
She is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church we confess in the Creed.
Indeed, the Orthodox Church composed, compiled, curated, copied,
 confessed, commentated, and confirmed the books of the Holy Bible.
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Welcome to the first ORTHODOX MOTORCYCLE RIDING CLUB in N. America. Est. 8/8/17 OS in Ann Arbor, MI by Joshua “Maestro” Jobst, President.

Logo key:

Snake (Dead) + Cross (Orthodox)
RC = Riding Club
Skull = skull of Adam (death)
Celtic Christian patterns = eternity
Central circle = tomb of Christ, womb of Ever-Virgin Mary Mother of God
Chain mail = one for all, all for one (unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno)
Orthodox cross + Celtic cross = both East and West
Serpent = Moses’ bronze serpent = Christ the Physician/Healer
Wings  = Holy Spirit, Penetcost; Christ’s Ascension
IC XC = Jesus Christ
NIKA = Conqueror, Victor over death and the devil
Swords = Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, prayer
Shield – Shield of faith, breastplate of righteousness, the whole armor of God
EN TOUTW NIKA = in this (sign) conquer (sin)
JMJ8817OSA2MI = JMJ established 8/8/17 (Old Style) Ann Arbor, MI
Crown = crown of righteousness, glory of God
Double-headed eagle = monarchy of the Father, nous/mind, symphonia